Authors: Bharati Khan
Affiliation: University of Petroleum and Energy Studies (UPES)

In one of the important branches of forensic science known as forensic entomology, information about insects is utilized to draw inferences in criminal investigations in instances involving both humans and wildlife. Insects are crucial to the decomposition of bodies and can offer crucial hints in criminal inquiry and examinations. When the post-mortem interval (PMI) is extensive and other procedures are ineffective, entomological findings is very helpful in determining the timing of the death. Additionally, insects supply forensic evidence with geographical or temporal information that is otherwise impossible to get. Forensic entomology relates to death investigations. Numerous forms of forensic investigations can benefit from information of the location, anatomy, and conduct of insects present in areas where carcasses have been located as it can indicate investigators when, at what place, and how a crime was perpetrated or how a person died under specific circumstances. The paper documents the best practices followed in forensic entomology and the tools and equipment generally used for the collection of entomological evidence. The paper outlines the procedures applied for the preservation and utilization of evidence. The aim of the paper is to promote fair competence in forensic entomology. Through this paper the author presents a fascinating overview of the role of insects against detection and examination of crime. The paper highlights the relevance of insects in criminal investigation. The paper gives an overview of entomological background and the legal aspects of making use of insects in resolving crimes.

The expected outcomes of this paper are a) Accentuating the importance of forensic entomology in criminal investigation and b) Highlighting the importance of insects in detection and examination of crimes. 

Keywords: Forensic Entomology, Criminal investigation, Maggots, Postmortem Interval, Ecology
Vol & Issue: VOL.2, ISSUE No.1, June 2023