Authors: Vandana Yadav
Affiliation: e United world School of Law (UWSL)

For the purpose of this piece of writing, the author read "Not in My Neighborhood: An Essay on Policing Place." The author's intention was to reflect on the contribution that forensic psychology specialists may make to assisting law enforcement officers in their interactions with macro communities. This reading was done in preparation for writing this piece. The author also looked at another article entitled "Prisoner Reentry and Community Policing: Strategies for Enhancing Public Safety." In this article, the author considers the value of forensic psychology professionals having an influence on the interactions that police professionals have with macro communities. The article was reviewed by the author. After that, the author read an article entitled "Law Enforcement and the Public: The Role of Intergroup Accommodations," which discussed the significance of forensic psychology professionals having an influence on the communication and interaction that takes place between law enforcement officers and macro communities. The title of the article is "Law Enforcement and the Public: The Role of Intergroup Accommodations." The author also considered the importance that practitioners in the field of forensic psychology have in terms of their capacity to impact relationships between law enforcement personnel and macro communities. Because of this, they began to investigate the appropriate duties and talents of forensic psychology specialists in connection to the interactions that take place between law enforcement officials and macro communities. The author is going to undertake a study of the relevance of the influence that forensic psychology experts have on the interactions that police professionals have within macro communities after all of these aims have been accomplished. The author will go into great length and will discuss the relevant responsibilities and capabilities of a forensic psychology expert, focusing on how those responsibilities connect to law enforcement professionals and how they are impacted by those individuals. In conclusion, the author will provide support for her statements by referring, in her defence, both to the Learning Resources and the research literature. 

Keywords: Forensic, Psychology, Policing, Macro Community
Vol & Issue: VOL.2, ISSUE No.1, June 2023