Investigation of a crime scene involves recognizing potential evidence, their collection, preservation and then sending the same for analysis by experts. Forensic science refers to the application of scientific practices during collection and analysis of such evidence, while adhering to the standards of criminal procedure and admissible evidence. It plays a major role in the criminal justice system and requires utmost precision, knowledge, and care by the law enforcement agencies as well as forensic experts. However, with the advent of technology and its integration into the daily life of every person, a new avenue for commission of crimes has opened, which is known as cyber-crime. In simple terms, any harmful act that has been committed using specialised knowledge or use of computer technology is called cyber-crime. “Computer” herein refers to any electronic device, be it computers, cameras, smart watches, mobile phones etc. that can store data in some form. As society’s dependence on computer systems increases, the need for protection against cyber-crimes and cyber criminals increases.